Failed, my final work at University of Wales Institute Cardiff, 2010
I failed in fulfilling my initial proposal.
What you see is a deconstructed illusion.
My first intention was to make an interactive installation with zoetropes.
Illusions of moving images and illustrations of happiness.
What you get is an empty room and documentary photographs.
Illusion vs. reality.
A presentation of evidence of that moment.
A performance where the performer has left the stage.
It never actually happened; it only happened in my head.
How to present what did not happen?
What is real?
Did I fail?
Can I escape reality?
Installationen bestod av en textdel (ovan), två dokumentära bilder utprintade på canvas (en stor med tända lampor och en mindre med släckta lampor), en chablon på dörren (FAILED) och en burk röd sprejfärg (för betraktarens bedömning av arbetet).